Best Country to Study Abroad for Indian Students in 2023

Best Country to Study Abroad for Indian Students in 2023

Parents and students are always on the lookout for the best country to study abroad for Indian students. The trend of Indian students wishing to study abroad is on the rise year by year. The parents want to send their children to other countries to have better education, a better chance of getting good jobs with high salaries, and possible settlement in those countries.

India with its huge population has a diversified and well-established education system with enormous opportunities for studying various courses. Despite having numerous opportunities in India, parents and students want to study abroad for the following reasons:

  1. High-Quality Education: Students have the access to a very high-quality education by having admitted to a world-class university. The knowledge, and skill levels acquired by the students studying at these universities will be enormous.
  2. Wide Range of Courses – Students have the option to select from a wide range of courses. Students can select their choice of credits, study at their own pace and appear for the evaluation.
  3. Global Exposure – By studying abroad, the student has the chance of getting exposure to various countries people, various cultures, new trends, and technology. This will broaden the perspective of the student and will improve the behavior skills, confidence level, and growth in the personality of the student.
  4. Better Job Opportunities – Students studying in abroad at universities have better job opportunities in India and various other countries. Companies prefer these students as they have good exposure, high skill levels, and good knowledge.
  5. Language Skills – Students studying abroad has the opportunity to interact with fellow students, who may be from different nations. There are opportunities to learn about various languages, by interacting with fellow students, faculty, and local people. Studying in English-speaking countries will improve the language skill of the student in the English language which is good in all respects.
  6. Personal Growth – Interacting with various nationalities, interacting with local people, knowing and participating in various countries’ cultural activities, and learning about new things all will lead to the personal growth of the student. The student has improved adaptability, enhanced problem-solving skills, and self-resilience.
  7. Networking – Has the possibility of networking with peers, and fellow students from different nations, and the chance of Participating in international events will provide networking opportunities that will immensely beneficial for better career prospects.
  8. Possible Permanent Residence – Students pursuing higher studies in abroad various high-GDP countries have the opportunity to get good employment with high salaries, and most importantly they have the possibility to get settled in that country with a chance of getting permanent residency.


Best Country to Study Abroad for Indian Students
Best Country to Study Abroad for Indian Students


Best Country to Study Abroad for Indian Students

For Indian students, there are a plethora of options to study abroad. In this article, we will discuss the Best Country to Study Abroad for Indian Students in 2023, including each country’s advantages, disadvantages, the various courses available, their admission schedule, and possible scholarship opportunities.

We are living in a Technology driven era, where the World has become a Global Village. There are numerous opportunities for interconnection between various countries, this has attracted many Indian Students to go abroad for higher studies.

Best Country to Study Abroad for Indian Students in 2023

United States

Advantages: For parents and students the United States will come in the first place when they are looking for the Best Country to Study Abroad for Indian Students. The main reason is having the opportunity to get admission in world-renowned universities and post-course job opportunities, and possible permanent residence in the USA.

US universities are well known for their academic excellence and cutting-edge research facilities. Some of the top universities of the world, Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Stanford University.

Getting admission to these universities will be a dream for Indian students.

Disadvantages: The main hurdle in studying in the united states is the high cost of education. The average annual cost of education will be around $25,000 to $50,000 USD.

Another trouble is the application, the visa processing time will take a lot of time, and difficult to get admission in the USA.

Admission times: Normal admission times will be fall and spring. But the admission times will vary from university to university. The fall intake will be in the month of August/September, Spring intake will be in the month of January.

Possible scholarship opportunities: There are opportunities available for international students, to get scholarships from many universities in the US. Indian students have the opportunity to get scholarships, namely the Fulbright-Nehru Fellowship and the Inlaks Scholarship.


Advantages: Canada is an attractive place for Indian students due to its welcoming environment and diversity. Compare to the united states, the cost of education in Canada is more affordable. Another attractive reason is the high standard of living and Canadian universities offer high-quality education at a more affordable cost compared to the United States. Canada is also known for its high standard of living and excellent job opportunities. Canada is always on the list of best countries to study abroad for Indian students due to the high possible permanent employment opportunities after the completion of the courses in Canada. 

Disadvantages: Extreme weather conditions will be a challenge for Indian students. Canada will have sub-zero temperatures, in most parts of the country. Another concern is the high cost of living in tier 1 cities like Toronto and Vancouver.

Admission times: Most universities in Canada have two main intakes: fall (September) and winter (January).

Possible scholarship opportunities: Many universities in Canada offer scholarships and financial aid to international students, including Indian students. Some popular scholarships for Indian students include the Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship and the Canadian Commonwealth Scholarship Program.

United Kingdom

Advantages: The University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge are some prestigious universities of the world from the United Kingdom. If the student wants to have a world-class education, better job prospects, fine class of living then the UK will be his destination. Its one among the best country to study abroad for Indian students, because of the good living standards, well developed education system, possible permanent job opportunities. 

Disadvantages: The cost of education in the United Kingdom is quite high, averaging about £20,000 to £35,000 per annum. The weather is a problem for Indian students as the weather is quite gloomy, particularly in the winter season.

Admission times: The admissions will be conducted in the three intakes mostly, in the fall (September/October), winter (January/February), and spring (April/May).

Possible scholarship opportunities: International students have the opportunity to have scholarships. Some of the popular scholarships for Indian students include the Chevening Scholarship and the Rhodes Scholarship.


Advantages: Australia Universities like the University of Melbourne, Australian National University, and the University of Sydney are among the world’s top universities. Due to the welcoming environment, high-quality living standards, and well-developed education system, Australia is an attractive destination and is one of the best country to study abroad for Indian Students for higher studies.

Australian universities offer excellent academic learning, research, and job opportunities.

Disadvantages: Education is expensive in Australia, with the average education expenses ranging from $20,000 to $40,000 AUD. The cost of living is also quite high in Australia.

Admission times: The admissions in universities will be taken in two intakes: Semester 1 (February/March) and Semester 2 (July/August).

Possible scholarship opportunities: International students have the option of scholarships and financial aid in many universities in Australia.  Australia Awards Scholarship and the Endeavour Scholarship are some of the popular scholarships, that Indian students can apply for.


Advantages: Germany is among the Best Country to Study Abroad for Indian Students due to its excellent education system and affordable cost of living.

German universities are well known for their focus on research and practical learning experiences. The Technical University of Munich, the University of Heidelberg, and the Humboldt University of Berlin are among the top universities in the world.

Disadvantages: In many of German Universities, the courses are taught in the German language, which is a constraint for Indian students. Even though the cost of education in Germany is comparatively low, the students have to show proof of financial support for getting a student visa.  

Admission times: Admission for the winter semester will be in October and the summer semester will be in April month.

Possible scholarship opportunities: DAAD Scholarship and the Heinrich Böll Foundation Scholarship are some of the scholarships that Indian students can apply for.


Advantages: Singapore is one of the Best Countries to Study Abroad for Indian Students, due to its excellent education system, world-class living standards, multicultural environment, and strong economy

Some of the universities in Singapore, such as the National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, and Singapore Management University are among the top universities in Asia.

Disadvantages: The cost of living, as well as the cost of education, is quite high. The average annual cost for education may be somewhere around SGD 20,000 to SGD 40,000.

Admission times: Admissions will be done for the Singapore universities mainly in the months of August, and January.

Possible scholarship opportunities: Singapore universities offer scholarships and financial aid to international students. Some popular scholarships for Indian students include the Singapore International Graduate Award and the Lee Kong Chian Graduate Scholarship.


Advantages: France is the best country to study abroad for Indian students for higher education, particularly in the fields of Arts and Humanities. France is famous for its culture, excellent cuisine, and world-famous universities.

French universities such as Sorbonne University, École Polytechnique, and Sciences Po are few among the world’s top universities.

Disadvantages: In France most of the courses will be taught in the French language, which will be a constraint for the Indian students.

Even though the cost of education is low in Frace, the cost of living is high in some of the cities in France like Paris.  

Admission times: Admission in most French Universities will be done in two intakes, September and January.

Possible scholarship opportunities: Eiffel Scholarship and the Charpak Scholarships are some of the popular scholarships, that are available for Indian students studying in France.


Advantages: Netherlands is one of the best countries to study abroad for Indian students, Dutch universities are well known for their high focus on practical learning and offer a wide range of courses. The Netherlands is a friendly country, having high standards of living, having a wide variety of universities offering a wide variety of programs.

Some of the world’s top universities like the University of Amsterdam, Delft University of Technology, and Wageningen University & Research are from the Netherlands.  

Disadvantages: The cost of living in the Netherlands is quite high, even though the cost of education is low.

Another problem is most of the courses will be taught in the Dutch langue, which will make things difficult for Indian Students.

Admission times: Most universities in the Netherlands have two main intakes: September and February.

Possible scholarship opportunities: Many universities in the Netherlands offer scholarships and financial aid to international students, including Indian students. Some popular scholarships for Indian students include the Holland Scholarship and the Erasmus Mundus Scholarship.


Taking admission to the best university in the Best Country to Study Abroad for Indian Students, will make the job half for the Indian students and parents. Getting admission, and studying in a good reputed world-class university in an abroad university, will give a high-quality education, broaden their cultural barriers, and increase their career prospects.

Every country has its own advantages, and disadvantages with regard to its education system. The student has to do broad research and consider various factors like the availability of desired course, teaching language, education cost, cost of living, admission time, admission, visa procedures, job opportunities, possible permanent residency, possible scholarship, and financial aid.  

With careful planning and research, Indian students can find the best country to study abroad and achieve their academic and career goals.



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